Black Lives Matter: No playoffs tonight

If you have not yet heard, there will be no playoff games tonight in the NBA. It started with the Milwaukee Bucks protesting their game with the Orlando Magic, and then all other teams followed suit. Wow. This is a historic day. The players are making a big statement and we are witnessing something we have never seen before. I have a ton of respect for the statement being made today by the NBA players.

I'm not sure what this means for Drive to the Finals. We will resume picking when and if games resume. In the meantime, it's an opportunity to do some research and learn more about the issues that have sparked the protest. 


  1. They have all my support. Black Lives Matter! Let's make this world a better place, where we all respect each other, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. No more violence!

  2. Black Lives Matter!
    There has to be change.

  3. What do we want? Equality! When do we want it? NOW!


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